FLIR stands for Foward Looking Infra-Red camera, this tool's technology allows enforcement officers to "see" emissions that are not visible to the human eye. Here are some facts you need to know.
To identify fugitive equipment leaks
Observing flares and oxidizers
Observing tank levels and seal leaks
LDAR Alternative Work Practice <40 CFR 60.18(g)-(1), 62.11 (c)-(e)>
*Information courtesy of Rich Trzupek, Principal Consultant, Trinity Consultants, Inc and the EPA. You can find more amazing videos on Google.
On April 15, 2014 the EPA released five White Papers on Methane and VOC emissions, the EPA will use these White Papers with input from the public to determine how to best pursue additional reductions. Join us as Rich Trzupek leads us through understanding what these proposed changes really mean.
Barrett and Rich will help clarify requirements on the following:
Catalytic Products International
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