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EPA-Where do you stand?


 News: The EPA is preparing to lower its ozone standard again!

From the EPA:  "The EPA’s “Second Draft Policy Assessment for the Review of the Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards,” the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) endorsed the agency’s decision to set the lower bound of a national ozone standard at 60 parts per billion."

This action reduces the amount of ozone that is allowed in the air we breathe and thus forces more industrial sources to reduce the air pollution emissions further.

What does this mean to you? To better understand this decision we have now published a White Paper that will help you stay ahead of these new ozone standards and provide you with ways to address these in a cost-effective manner. 

Download our NEW EPA Ozone Standards White Paper to learn about:

  • Staying ahead of the New Ozone Standard
  • Clean Air Act manged by the EPA
  • Setting New Standards
  • Scope And Timeline
  • Decision Points
  • Resources

See if your plant maybe considered in the new proposed lower emission thresholds.  For more resources visit our webiste: www.cpilink.com.

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